

Juneteenth (June 19) observe the 1866 date that marked the emancipation of enslaved African Americans, and it is a time of nationwide celebration. 也被称为“自由日”,” Juneteenth is an excellent opportunity to acknowledge and spotlight those who are making important strides in uplifting Black individuals.


在这个博客中, we’re sharing several commemorative Juneteenth activities taking place in Cayuga County, as well as ways you can support and learn more about past and present Black leaders and entrepreneurs – so mark your calendars!

公告及游行: The City of Auburn will officially recognize and celebrate Juneteenth on Saturday, 6月15日, beginning with a ceremony and proclamation at 11:00 a.m. 在市政厅. Stick around to watch the Juneteenth parade kickoff around 11:20 a.m. 今天剩下的时间都在 Booker T. Washington Community Center, with food, music, vendors and kid-friendly activities. 甚至会有 Miss Juneteenth Scholarship Pageantry Program, where young ladies (ages 13-18) will showcase their talents and develop a sense of self-confidence and pride.

探索 Cayuga’s outdoors and connect with GirlTrek: Maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle is 对非裔美国人来说是最重要的, and there are many Black influencers who have made it their mission to help this community achieve this goal. T. Morgan Dixon and Vanessa Garrison recognized the importance of making this goal achievable, inspiring them to create GirlTrek: 健康y Black Women and Girls – an organization whose mission is to empower Black women to get active. (Fun facts: GirlTrek has partnered with Cayuga County during commemorative 庆祝哈丽特·塔布曼的活动, and they’ve even received support from First Lady Michelle Obama!) GirlTrek Jumpstart挑战清单 lists different ways to get active within 30 days, and June is a great month to get started. Cayuga County has over 65 miles of trails to explore, providing plenty of opportunities to complete your trek checklist while exploring the destination 哈丽特塔布曼 once called home.

For more business to explore visit Tour Cayuga’s 发现黑人拥有的商业页面.

参观哈丽特·塔布曼地标: 有影响力的人喜欢旅游主持人 Philwaukee一.k.a. 菲尔文化 和专家 马提尼克·马蒂·刘易斯 (host of National Geographic’s “Black Travel Across America”) have both experienced the imprint of 哈丽特塔布曼 on Cayuga County’s culture, 我们邀请你也这样做! 探索 的地标性建筑 where 哈丽特塔布曼’s legacy continues to thrive.

请关注我们的 活动页面 为  Juneteenth events – in为mation will be provided as it becomes available!